The first mention of Ponzanello dates back to the 1185, when Federico Barbarossa confirmed to the bishop of Luni its domains. Since 1201, the... >>>

Giucano is located along the provincial road Fosdinovo-Sarzana and it is a characteristic small village, mentioned in 1201... >>>

Pulica is remembered for the first time in an act of 879. Its name probably comes to the "public way", a road of roman origin that joined Luni to Lucca... >>>

It is located along the road that leads to Aulla through San Terenzo and Ceserano. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1201... >>>

Marciaso is located along the Bardine stream, in the middle of a forest of chestnut trees. In the Middle Ages the fief was divided between... >>>

More villages:

Caniparola and Canepari.